5 minute break
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Machine's need a lot of help
For now, Data Scientists still have jobs
It takes human understanding to build a system
(Otherwise you wouldn't be here)
And it requires a lot of effort to get data ready for machine learning
So maybe Machine Learning is:
What a software developer would do if she were given a data science problem.
Machine Learning expert:
Someone that knows more statistics than a developer and more computer science than a statistician"
"A statistician in Silicon Valley"
Using data to create representations or abstractions of data.
This is what most experts think of when they think of Machine Learning...
Predicting the future is what humans spend their lives learning how to do. It's why children perform "experiments" by pushing their food of the table and onto the floor. They are testing their "hypothesis" that a caregiver will put it back on the table or clean up the mess. They are also testing their hypothesis that the food won't just disappear, or transform into something different (like icecream), or become unedible.